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Knight Auto Air Conditioning has joined forces with Steger Service!


Dave has joined Knight Auto Air with Steger Service. Dave still offers the same expert air conditioning repair and service. He has moved his office a couple blocks west to 9200 Manchester Road. Please call 962-4500 or 962-5604 for an appointment.


We offer Air Conditioning: Performance Checks, Routine Maintenance, and Diagnostics and repair.


We are able to work on old and new vehicles. Dave has 40 years of past experience and is constantly attending training to stay up to date. Most repairs can be a simple fix, but if it is not we can take care of it here. We keep you informed with inspections via text and email.


We can save you money when it comes to dealing with the new R1234YF Freon technology. You do not have to go to the dealership.

Contact Us

Business Hours

9200 Manchester Road 

St. Louis, MO 63144


(314) 962-4500

MON-FRI: 8:00am - 5:30pm



All Rights Reserved  |  Knight Auto Air Conditioning & Steger Service  |  Website Designed & Managed by Repair Shop of Tomorrow

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